Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Damn! Again

So I ride the bike for 25 minutes last night. Good for 55 minutes of excersize for the day. So this a.m. I walked for 10 minutes and decided to test out the calf. 2 minutes on @ 5.7 mph and 1 minute walk @ 3.5 mph. First time good. Second time good #3 calf went again. Hurts like hell and I can barely walk. Iced for 20 minutes. Damn!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Back to it.

I've decided that I will do a 30-45 minute walk on the treadmill 5x's a week just to add some more activity. I never work my HR at 85-90 bpm so it can't hurt. That should be in a good fat burning zone for me and I got fat to burn. It's easy enough that I can watch the news and get up-to-date with what's going on in the world. Like Bush has some quick reactions! Good thing those shoes weren't Nike Air as like substances repel one another. To much dead space between Bush's ears. Gonna either run for 20 minutes tonight to check my calve out or sit on the bike for a while. Hell I may do both.

Friday, December 12, 2008

what's important in life

Back in the early days of my youth, there was usually only one thing on my mind. With hormones raging, girls and the things you do with girls was the most important thing!!
But I aged and got wiser(?). I went months hell, years without girfriends. No girlfriend; I was a card carrying member of the "Sex without partners" club. I realised you CAN live without sex.
I found the plearsures in things that really matter to survival. What is it that proves you are alive? What do you do that you can't live without. If you didn't do this one thing would it kill you?
There is that one thing now that is mandatory and gives such great pleasure I do it 2, 3 4 times a day. In my youth I woulda had sex that much if I had a willng partner. Now I don't think about sex that much. I think about doing that thing I just can't live without it! And neither can you. So what is this thing that is more important than sex. What can you do daily that is proof you're alive? Ask me later I gotta go enjoy taking a crap!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gonna try

Today is a BIG day. The CRC Holiday party is tonight. Hope you come. So I'm up early to give a short walk on the treadmill a try. My calf felt good all day yesterday but tightened a bit over night. I hope the coffee will loosen it up.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Just a couple of damns.
Don't you hate it when your computer starts updating when you 're in the middle of doing stuff. I can never tell what the updates are for or what they do except to mess me up.
Damn #2
I was really trying to be careful. But after the run with the 'fast folks' my achillies was tender. So a couple days off and no biggie. Then last Thursday I was running very slow on the mill when I felt my calf tighten abit. Immediately I hit the stop button. BUT as I was slowing down my calf went. Hurts to walk and push on the gas pedal. Doesn't hurt too much on the bike so that's where I'm at these days.
Went snowboarding last weekend. Didn't hurt I'm so glad but walking around in those boots after set me back a bit. Oh well.
Had a nice dinner with the PPRR old and new board mmbers. Glad some new life will be injected into that group. Talking training with some of the newer runners/board members there is so much knowlege about training but so little reasons why. We old guys/gals need to pass on our knowledge to the youngsters. It was so simple back then. Run a lot; race a lot and go fast. And do it while you are young. Damn I'm old.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Just for JT

Actually it was not technically during a run, but at the very beginning of the Incline Club run yesterday. What irks me is runners who take their own sweet time while taking a crap. There I was waiting to explode in the men's bathroom at Manitou city hall and this guy is just all bowed up. You know shit or get off the pot. Don't sit there waiting for something to happen. I'm pacing around trying not to shit myself and this guy is singing show tunes hoping to work up the nerve to crap in a public place. I heard the womens door open and close 4 or 5 times during his tenure on the crapper. Hell we know women take their time when going #2. Finally I knock on the womens door and noone screams so I go in and do my business wham bam flush. This guy still hasn't come out yet. I tell you!
But the funniest thing I have seen in that bathroom, besides my own lack of real manhood, was a homeless guy dyeing his hair in the bathroom sink. Hate that gray wash it away!
The run was good yesterday as I was about 35 lbs lighter after I took that dump.
Thanks for asking

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'mtrying but

So after Sunday's run I feel the need to drop a few lbs and maybe get my ass in a little better shape. My friend Alan told me that he has incorperated warming up on the bike for a few before his runs just to ...wel warm-up. So I dissappear into the basement put bike on trainer find bike shoes and warm up. 10 minutes on the bike hop off and put on my running shoes and run. Well at 4 minutes my stomach says it's time to have my normal potty break. Fine no biggie but it was a biggie if you get my drift. Back on the mill and 4 minutes later I feel another urgent need. repeat then another 4 after that repeat. I had some awesome soup for lunch but it was just not settling right. so 35 minutes of a sorta workout. Todays paln is Red Rocke for a bit then watch some TV sitting on the trainer.

Monday, November 24, 2008

What the hell??

Was I thinking Sunday? Saturday night during a good time at 'The Loop' and furthered by a bit of time at Kinfolks I said I would run. Sure I could go check out a possible USA World Mountain team qualifier race course over by Cheyenne Canyon. It would just ne 2.5 miles. The other 5 people I was previewing the course with would all do their long runs before. And would go my pace. Oh that's right; 2 are former USATF Mountain runners of the Year and another 2 were multi-time world team members. Me??? The title of my blog says it all. So I got dropped in the first foot of the run as it immediately went up! Luckly I could hear them chatting off in the distance so I kinda knew which way to go. Every now and then my breathing would allow me to hear something else; my heart trying to jump out of my chest! But I showed them on the downhill!!!! I stayed with them for 10 feet before drifting off the back. And of course let's go up this hill and see what it's like because the course was not tough enough. They'll pay!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big Head John and the snot monsters

I love the warm weather but we need moisture. My freaking head feels like it weighs a s much as my stomach. My 1 brain cell is feeling the pressure of all the snot trying to force it out my left ear canal. I hate waking up in the morning with a headache. I've been fighting this shit since before vacation and may have to go to emergicare and get some anti-biotics. But that means no drinking. Oh the balancing of life I have to play. Gotta work a 10hr day and try and run on the mill tonight if my freaking face feels less snot swollen. Poor Cindy it's hard to look at me when I ain't all snottted up.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Holy heck is it nice out. Tuesday is supposed to be a record high 76 freaking degrees. Where's the snow. I know it's coming but you know we'll see cold and snow in May in 09. The running goal is 4 miles each day and 6 on Sunday. That is about 5 hours this week. We'll see how it goes.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Back to the wars

Got back in town Thursday night after a very late Wednesday. It was late when I hit the bed and I only had 2 shots of Hornitos and 2 rum and cokes and.........
The Friday am run was not done had to get my ski pass Friday was the very last day. Then worked to ~ 7:30pm. Went home and crashed hard. Ran a bit this am and will drive up to the County this afternoon. Should have a great jog up there.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Running Event

Greeting from Dallas. I am reminded why Cindy and I left Texas. It sucks!!!
Run in a thunderstorm this am to Luke's Locker. A fun little juant all on concrete. And too many bad Texas beers last night. My stomach is not feeling perfect. I suffer so much for my job
More later

Friday, November 7, 2008

The weekend?

Ran Thursday for a bit. Nothing special!
Friday am is the screw-off run. An easy 35 minute run with a fairly regular group. We do breakfast at Wooglins after the run. A great way to begin the day.
Gonna be busy all next week. I leave Sunday for Big D till Thursday. It is a great week in a crappy place. Oh, and I am gonna put on a race number Wednesday.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another day

I can't believe what I'm about to say, I wish it would snow!! Boy do we need the moisture. My head and lungs are as dry as a popcorn fart. The dust and dried up leaves blowing around just kill my lungs. About time to have the humidifier going 24/7. The Peak got a dusting of snow in the last couple of days but nada down here. It'll probably dump on Sunday when I am leaving for The Running Event in Dallas Texas. I look forward to the Event every year. It is the one of the few times a year I get to talk with other running store people and pick their brains about what they are doing. I always come back way excited and try to get stuff done. This year Jillian is coming down for a couple of days. She will reinforce my excitement and maybe we can get stuff done. But it's Dallas :(
Last night I ran the Colorado Running Company social run with Joe the cop.A nice 30 minute jaunt. I always have a different conversation with Joe. Last night it was talking about selling everything and buying a mobile home. No bills no stuff just simplify. Neither of our wives would go for it. But you can dream. On aside always tough to tell a cop "Oh I'm gonna go off the trail and drop a big load." Indecent exposure is just one of the crimes I confess to when uttering that.
Looks like a great day out! I think a run on Inteman or Red Rocks is calling. And NO I ain't posting at work.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It ain't right! and other rambling

I jog by time and not mileage. That way I can jog slow I have to get out of a walkers way when they go cruising past. Yesterday was a slogfest in the Garden. My legs are still feeling like total crap. At work last night they just felt sick. Must be fighting some kind of infestation. Gotta get some real rest over the next few days because Dallas next week is a long hard business trip. I'll be arguing with Asics/Brooks about why they are not in The Colorado Running Company. And there is no good reason for them not to be in the store. I still loose sleep over this! Yesterday I had Beth call Alan Cullpepers store, SolePeppers, and ask if they carried Asics and Brooks; We're not open yet but what Asics or Brooks shoe do you need? Pissed me off.I've been in the running industry for 20 years and because Alan was an Olympian and is the Asics rep neighbor he gets their shit without any problem. Ain't right!
Sorry I digress. Garden was windy and dusty yesterday and tons of horse crap on the trail. There are some places you smell the horse piss/crap before you even get there. Then the tour leader with his dog shitting anywhere on the trail does not pick up an ounce of shit. Ain't right.
I saw some horse shit in Red Rocks last week. I hope it stays better than the garden.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Holy Crap!


You youngn's have a surprise waiting for you when you get old. It sounds like me; they say it's me; but how did I get so old looking! How can my wife, who looks the same as when we meet 20 years ago, stand to look at my old sorry ass. Come to think of it she has been spending more time away and drinking more when she's at home. Thanks to Fox News for having
The Colorado Running Company do this segment.
After being a jogger on since 1967 I have learned many trick to get my fat ass jogging. (But I really haven't learned much of anything else.) Yesterday I tried them all. Music/ curcuits/ dog/tredmill I only jogged for 15 minutes. Since last week my legs have not only looked like crap but they have felt like crap. Well maybe they have looked like crap for longer than last week. My neighbor says 12 minutes is a run. He may cover 2+ miles in that time but I prefer to go much slower. I really don't have a chioce in the matter. So it was a run. Now if I can just get out of the chair and get outside I'll get another day under my belt loop. Speaking of the Loop......

Monday, November 3, 2008


It's hard to believe a fat old guy like me would blog. I have no life but work and going potty (#2) while I go jogging. But ......... if Brownie can blog so can I. This will be mostly about my running and where not to step (see above). The goal for my 55th year was to jog every day. That lasted 45 days tehen I went on vacation. (Thanks Jillian and CRC crew for watching the Colorado Running Company for me.) But now I'm back on schedule. Stay turned for more news?