So there I was standing inline to make the CRC deposit; 2 women in front of me.
Woman #1 Oh! What pretty toenails you have.
Woman #2 Thanks I've had them done twice since my baby was born 3 weeks ago.
#1 How many children do you have?
#2 This one makes 3. My oldest is 5. He's out in the car watching the baby now while I deposit my welfare check.
#1 Really he must be a good boy.
#2 Yes he is. But I parked in the fire lane just so he could come get me if anything happens.
The baby is real good never cries. Not like my brothers girlfriends baby. She had hers 2 days before mine. My brothers girlfreind is old, like 35, maybe that's why her baby cries all the time.
Bank Teller: Next
Then I got a good view of #2. 3 week post prego belly. (I got the feeling she was not into her health even before this child) Short short shorts, Jog bra with a mesh football jersy over top with Cutler on the back.
Mississippi queen
1 day ago
I can't believe that... wearing a Cutler jersey after he's been traded... where do these people come from? -CD
I think she came from ......
You coming out this summer?
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